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Ecosystem services provided by agricultural areas

Evaluation and characterisation approaches

by Anaïs Tibi (author), Olivier Therond (author)
november 2018
Open Access
Services écosystémiques fournis par les espaces agricoles - eBook [PDF]
Services écosystémiques fournis par les espaces agricoles - eBook [ePub]
This book is available in paper version on our bookseller site.


Ecosystem services (ES) can be defined as the components of ecosystems from which humans derive benefits, such as crop pollination and climate regulation.

In a bid to ensure that biodiversity is taken into account in public and private decision-making, the French Ministry in charge of the Environment has commissioned INRAE (former Inra) to assess the ES provided by agricultural ecosystems. This book summarises the main results of this work, carried out between 2014 and 2017 by a multidisciplinary group of experts. Fourteen ES are described and assessed using an ad hoc conceptual framework that takes account of the specific features of these anthropised areas. Among the original advances, the estimation of the current contribution of ES to agricultural production and the representation of interactions between ES provide the knowledge needed to design production systems that consume fewer artificial inputs (synthetic fertilisers, pesticides) and respond to societal challenges such as conserving biodiversity and limiting environmental impacts. Finally, this book underlines the caution with which economic evaluation should be used.

This book is aimed at researchers and students working on the interactions between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. It will also be of interest to all those involved in land management: farmers, local authorities, environmental associations, etc.

Ce livre est disponible en anglais : Ecosystem services provided by agricultural areas

Table of contents


Main acronyms used


Context and scope of the question asked to Inra
Organisation of work conducted by Inra

1. A framework for assessing ecosystem services from agricultural ecosystems

The ecosystem services concept as applied to the functioning of agricultural ecosystems
Identifying and assessing ecosystem services from agricultural ecosystems

2. Input ecosystem services: regulating services that support agricultural production

Input ecosystem services and agricultural production
Regulation of soil physicochemical characteristics
Biological regulation

3. The production of agricultural goods: plant and animal products

Relative weight of input ecosystem services in the production of plant products
Quantifying the percentage of livestock production relying on locally produced plant resources

4. Ecosystem services provided by agricultural ecosystems to society

Regulation of environmental conditions
Contribution to the recreational potential of the landscape

5. The economic assessment of ecosystem services: Cautions and challenges

Available methods
The economic assessment of input ecosystem services’ contribution to agricultural production
The economic assessment of an ecosystem service provided to society: the example of global climate regulation
Economic assessments are challenging due to lack of matching between biophysical and economic indicators

6. Towards the management of ecosystem services supply

From the analysis of individual services to a multi-services approach
Ecosystem services, biodiversity conservation and environmental impacts

7. Conclusions and perspectives

A framework for assessing the services provided by anthropised ecosystems 144
Input ecosystem services provided to the farmer
Ecosystem services provided by agricultural ecosystems to society as a whole
From biophysical assessments to economic assessments of ecosystem services
Towards the management of ecosystem services supply

8. Perspectives for future research and other developments

Develop more precise sources of data
Move from absolute to relative levels of ecosystem services supply
Move from the potential level to the effective level of ecosystem services supplied by ecosystems
Explore other types of cropping systems
Further work to be done on the status and role of livestock in the supply of ecosystem services
Consider the resilience of ecosystem services to future change

Appendix 1. Composition of the working group

Appendix 2. Correspondence between the CICES v4.3 typology and the list of ecosystem services examined in EFESE-AE

Appendix 3. Summary of biophysical assessment methods (indicators)

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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Matière à débattre et décider

Published: 26 november 2018

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759229178

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759229185

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 188

Interior: Colour

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02661NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02661EPB

Size: 6.08 MB (PDF), 8.03 MB (ePub)

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