Quae Open Acess Quae Open Acess Quae Open Acess Quae Open Acess

Open access

Quae Open


What is open access ?

« Content in open access is accessible to all with no barriers: no authentication requirements, no resources under an embargo, no paid access, etc. This may concern scientific publications, data, code, etc.» Comité pour la science ouverte, https://www.ouvrirlascience.fr/category/glossaire/ 

French and European guidelines such as the "French national plan for open science" or cOAlition S are in accordance with it and promote the free and unrestricted access to documents issued by a work financed by the French public research or European Union funds.

Quae-Open, a website for open access eBooks

In this context, and in order to support this approach, Quæ makes available part of its catalog on a website fully dedicated to their open access eBooks.

Immediate download

A great part of Quæ's books, in French and in English, are available without any restrictions, in both ePub and PDF formats. 


Un modèle économique mixte

Le modèle mixte est un modèle économique qui combine deux modes d’accès aux ouvrages : un accès libre et gratuit aux versions numériques de l’ouvrage et une version papier commercialisée (voir notre site www.quae.com).


CC-by-NC-ND licence

Our open access ebooks are under the CC-by-NC-ND licence.


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