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Agroecology: research for the transition of agri-food chains and territories

by Thierry Caquet (editorial coordination), Chantal Gascuel (editorial coordination), Michèle Tixier-Boichard (editorial coordination)
december 2020
Open Access
Agroecology: research for the transition of agri-food systems and territories - eBook [PDF]
Agroecology: research for the transition of agri-food systems and territories - eBook [ePub]
This book is available in paper version on our bookseller site.


DOI : 10.35690/978-2-7592-3294-9

Agroecology was chosen by INRAE as one of its interdisciplinary scientific foresight studies designed to identify research fronts in response to major societal challenges. Eighty researchers drew up an assessment and proposed research avenues for agroecology. This book summarizes their main conclusions.
Agroecology, as a scientific discipline that puts ecology back at the centre of agricultural system design, is now well established. Diversification of living organisms in agroecosystems is a broad objective that is intended to make these systems more robust and resilient. Research in genetics and landscape ecology must be mobilized so that agroecology can use mechanisms from the field to landscape scales. Progress is being made in modelling agroecological systems to better understand the many biotic and abiotic interactions, to predict them, and to begin to manage some of them. Diversification of living organisms in agricultural production (species, varieties, crop rotations, etc.) leads to more varied products. The consequences will be significant on the commodity chains, and more precisely on agri-food systems, from production methods to product consumption. These changes are long-term. The agroecological transition, which is adaptive, co-constructed with all actors, is in itself a research subject, and will rely on experimental devices, farms, and ‘Territories of innovation’.


The french version of this book, Agroécologie : des recherches pour la transition des filières et des territoires, is available on our website.

La version française de ce titre, Agroécologie : des recherches pour la transition des filières et des territoires, est disponible sur notre site.

Table of contents


Founding principles
National and international societal expectations
Research based on new paradigms and new approaches

1 - Integrating agroecology into agri-food systems
Products resulting from agroecology and their properties
Actors’ strategies
Spatial organization of markets
Dynamics and coherence of the agri-food system
Research questions

2 - The agroecological transition of farms
Recent scientific advances
Some examples
Research questions
Developing the necessary transdisciplinarity

3 - Leveraging ecological and hydrobiogeochemical processes in multifunctional landscapes
Recent scientific advances
Some examples
Research questions

4 - Leveraging genetic diversity in plant and animal breeding
Recent scientific advances
Some examples
Research questions

5 - Modelling interactions between living organisms in their environments and socio-economic contexts
Recent scientific advances
Some examples
Research questions

6 - Contribution of agricultural equipment and digital technology to agroecology : considering living organisms better
Recent scientific advances
Some examples
Research questions

Diversity and diversification: observe, translate, direct
From massive acquisition of biological data to new types of experiments
Understanding risk and uncertainty: modelling and sharing of experiences
Scaling up and changing agri-food organization for agroecology

Publications in the same collection

On the same subject


Language(s): English

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Matière à débattre et décider

Published: 18 december 2020

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759232949

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759232956

DOI eBook [PDF] : 10.35690/978-2-7592-3294-9

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 96

Interior: Black & white

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02773NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02773EPB

Size: 2.05 MB (PDF), 1.3 MB (ePub)

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