Forests and silviculture
Un droit pour les forêts D’une approche universelle à des droits localisés
From 0,00 € (free)
The forestry & wood sector and climate change mitigation From carbon sequestration in forests to the development of the bioeconomy
From 0,00 € (free)
Wildfire Understanding their diversity and evolution
Renaud Barbero, Jean-Luc Dupuy, Florent Mouillot, Julien Ruffault
From 0,00 € (free)
Territories renewal thanks to bioeconomy Living natural resources at the heart of a new economy
From 0,00 € (free)
Forests and climate change Understanding and modelizing the water balance of trees
François Courbet, Claude Doussan, Jean-Marc Limousin, Nicolas Martin-StPaul, Guillaume Simioni
From 0,00 € (free)
The forestry & wood sector and climate change mitigation From carbon sequestration in forests to the development of the bioeconomy
From 0,00 € (free)
Agro-forestry and ecosystem services in tropical areas In search of a trade-off between supply and other ecosystem services
From 0,00 € (free)