Natural landscapes and environment
Un droit pour les forêts D’une approche universelle à des droits localisés
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The forestry & wood sector and climate change mitigation From carbon sequestration in forests to the development of the bioeconomy
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Jeux de plateau pour l’agriculture et le paysage Penser, concevoir, animer, évaluer, diffuser
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La méthode IDEA4 Indicateurs de durabilité des exploitations agricoles. Principes et guide d’utilisation
0,00 € (free)
Livestock grazing systems and sustainable development in the Mediterranean and Tropical areas Livestock grazing systems and sustainable development in the Mediterranean and Tropical areas
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The Great Lake Put to the Test of the Anthropocene Age
Jean-Marcel Dorioz, Orlane Anneville, Isabelle Domaizon, Chloé Goulon, Jean Guillard, Stéphan Jacquet, Bernard Montuelle, Serena Rasconi, Viet Tran-Khac, Jean-Philippe Jenny
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Agroecology Evaluation Guide Methods for Assessing its Impact and Development Conditions
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Marine Viruses Mere Parasites or Major Players in Aquatic Ecosystems?
Stéphan Jacquet, Anne-Claire Baudoux, Yves Desdevises, Soizick F. Le Guyader
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