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Desertification and climate change: Are they part of the same fight?

by Bernard Bonnet (editorial coordination), Jean-Luc Chotte (editorial coordination), Pierre Hiernaux (editorial coordination), Alexandre Ickowicz (editorial coordination), Maud Loireau (editorial coordination)
Collection: Enjeux sciences
january 2024
Open Access
Désertification et changement climatique, un même combat ? - eBook [PDF]
Désertification et changement climatique, un même combat ? - eBook [ePub]
This book is available in paper version on our bookseller site.


What causes vegetation and soil degradation? What are the consequences for ecosystems, biodiversity, water resources and the climate? What are future impacts on human societies and the economy? Desertification is often wrongly perceived as a remote issue for our European countries. As a result, efforts to combat it are struggling to gain footing as an environmental priority. Yet desertification is not inevitable. In this book, the authors show that this phenomenon is not always linked to climate change, and that it is not only an issue in dryland areas, although they are most exposed. They clarify the various geographical, biological and socioeconomic aspects of desertification and draw on the most recent research to explain the methods and expected benefits of combating desertification and land degradation. This book, which is aimed at scientists, NGOs,journalists, students, decision-makers, etc., deconstructs several preconceived ideas to contribute fully to national and international debates.

This book is available in English : Desertification and climate change: Are they part of the same fight?

Table of contents


What is the nature and extent of desertification?

Does desertification only involve the expansion of deserts?
Does climate change exacerbate the desertification process?
Which regions and populations are affected by desertification?
Can we adapt to desertification?
According to the UNCCD, why is it important to combat desertification and who should be involved?
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What are the causes and consequences of desertification?

What are the processes, how do they interact and where do they occur?
How do certain practices lead to desertification?
How do economic and land institutions engender desertification?
How does desertification affect soil ecosystem services?
How does desertification affect biodiversity?
How do desertification and water resources impact each other?
How does desertification affect the atmosphere and climate?
What are the economic effects of desertification?
How does desertification make populations vulnerable and what are the repercussions?
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How and why should we combat desertification?

What does it mean to “combat desertification”?
Why do we need a holistic and systemic approach?
Why do we need a territorial approach?
Why do we need an interdisciplinary, multistakeholder approach?
Why are agroecology-based solutions important?
Why should we foster complementarity between local, regional and global scales?
How does adapting to climate and environmental variations help combat desertification?
What are the different techniques for rehabilitating land affected by desertification?
What impacts and results have efforts to combat desertification had to date?
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What support mechanisms exist to combat desertification?

What legal provisions exist in this area?
What support is available for territorial stakeholders to combat desertification?
What research is being done to combat desertification?
What specialized training is available?
Learn more


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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Enjeux sciences

Published: 4 january 2024

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759238040

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759238057

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 128

Interior: Black & white

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02917NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02917EPB

Size: 2.32 MB (PDF), 529 KB (ePub)

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