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South countries selection

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Sustainable food systems for food security Need for combination of local and global approaches

From 0,00 € (free)

Global Commons A different story of territorial cooperation

0,00 € (free)

Life Cycle Assessment of agri-food systems An operational guide dedicated to emerging and developing

0,00 € (free)

Eating in the city Socio-anthropological perspectives from Africa, Latin America and Asia

0,00 € (free)

One Health, une seule santé Théorie et pratique des approches intégrées en matière de santé

0,00 € (free)

Which type of agriculture will be irrigated tomorrow? Meeting the challenges of food security and sustainable development

0,00 € (free)

Eating in the city Socio-anthropological perspectives from Africa, Latin America and Asia

0,00 € (free)

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