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Les arthropodes du cotonnier

Diversité et modalités de gestion des ravageurs

by Pierre Jean Silvie (author), Bernard Papierok (author)
Collection: Savoir faire
december 2024
Open Access
Les arthropodes du cotonnier - eBook [PDF]
Les arthropodes du cotonnier - eBook [ePub]
This book is available in paper version on our bookseller site.


Cotton produces the majority of natural fibers used in clothing today. The production of this fiber, a raw material marketed worldwide, can be reduced to nothing if disease or pest attacks are not kept under control. The book deals with the methods used to protect cotton against insects and mites, and highlights the limits of techniques that can be used depending on the socio-economic contexts of producing countries in Africa and South America: arthropod species involved, types of damage, natural regulation, available control strategies and methods, etc.
Based on existing practices, the authors analyze the prospects open to cotton producers for protecting their crops in a world facing climate change. They underline the need to consider problems in a holistic way, and discuss optimizing approaches according to situations, considering landscape structure for example.
This book is aimed at scientists and professionals interested in plant health and cautious pest management.

Table of contents



Part 1. Cotton arthropod diversity, damage and production losses

Chapter 1. Cotton and its cultivation

The plant: botanical aspects
Diversity of cotton growing methods

Chapter 2. Phytosanitary problems linked to arthropods

Diversity of damage caused to cotton
Diversity of phytophagous arthropods of cotton

Chapter 3. Natural regulation by arthropods and micro-organisms

Natural enemies by functional groups
Overall importance of the natural enemy complex

Chapter 4. Production losses due to arthropod diversity

Quantitative losses
Qualitative losses

Part 2. Cotton pest management strategies and practices

Chapter 5. Evolution of plant protection strategies

Integrated control and management on a large geographical scale
From conventional to sustainable agriculture
Biological control and biocontrol
Agroecology and agroecological crop protection

Chapter 6. Diversity of cotton protection practices

The case of natural cotton cultivation
The case of certified organic cotton cultivation
The case of conventional cotton cultivation
Ambiguities inherent in the use of insecticides

Chapter 7. Towards a reduction in the use of synthetic insecticides in sub-Saharan Africa

Dose-cadence protection programs
Protection programs with thresholds

Chapter 8. Other methods adopted for cotton protection

Partial adoption of biological control or natural regulation
Use of pheromones
Crop associations and agroforestry
Thresholds in mechanized cultivation

Chapter 9. Putting strategies into practice: difficulties and challenges

Difficulties in defining or applying thresholds
Difficulties related to the adoption of Bt cotton
Difficulties in implementing control methods

Chapter 10. Conclusions and perspectives

Taxonomic diversity, biology and ecology of pests
Developing new knowledge on pest-cotton interactions
Involving actors in the value chain


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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Savoir faire

Published: 16 december 2024

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759240012

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759240029

DOI eBook [PDF] : 10.35690/978-2-7592-4001-2

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 190

Interior: Colour

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02980NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02980EPB

Size: 19.3 MB (PDF), 22.6 MB (ePub)

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