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Marine biological invasions

by Philippe Goulletquer (author)
Collection: Enjeux sciences
december 2024
Open Access
Les invasions biologiques marines - eBook [PDF]
Les invasions biologiques marines - eBook [ePub]
This book is available in paper version on our bookseller site.


Biological invasions are one of the main causes of biodiversity decline worldwide. While Japanese knotweed and tiger mosquito are invasive species that are well known to the public, the same could not be said for the American blue crab and the green Algae Caulerpa. Marine biological invasions receive little media coverage, even though their effects on biodiversity and human activities are just as worrying as terrestrial invasions.
Which marine species are considered invasive? How are they introduced? What impact do they have on local marine biodiversity? And, above all, what management methods can be used to contain them, or even to take advantage of them?
Philippe Goulletquer reviews the latest advances in research into the detection, prevention, control and management of marine invasive species, in the light of the new regulations in effect. He highlights various international, European and national strategies and presents specific case studies of concerned species.
This book is intended for people who are concerned about current environmental imbalances and interested in ways of combating them.

Table of contents

Introduction. Terrestrial invasive species:media favourites?

What do weknow about biological invasions?

What do wemean by ‘invasive’ or ‘invading’ species?

What is theprocess of biological invasions?

Why should webe concerned about invasive alien species?

What is thesituation in mainland France and overseas?

How aremarine invasive species introduced?

Historicalperspective on species introductions

Currentvectors of introduction

Current routesof introduction

What arethe impacts of biological invasions?

Characteristicsand methods of impact assessment

Case studies

Importance ofecosystemic approach and analysis

What arethe management methods?


Unintentionalor accidental introductions

Prevention andregulatory measures

Control ofintroduction routes

Raising publicawareness of biological invasions

Once thespecies has become established: what are the control methods?

How cansuccessful eradication be achieved?

A few cases oferadication

What is thecontribution of research and expertise on this matter?

Assessing therisks

Improving thedetection of invasive alien species

Assessing therisks and impacts following an introduction

What are theexpectations for research in the short and medium term?

Conclusion. What does the future hold tomanage invasive marine species?


Publications of the same author

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On the same subject


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Enjeux sciences

Published: 5 december 2024

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759239856

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759239863

DOI eBook [PDF] : 10.35690/978-2-7592-3985-6

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 130

Interior: Black & white

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02971NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02971EPB

Size: 8.43 MB (PDF), 800 KB (ePub)

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