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Molecular mechanisms, developmental biology and environmental responses

by Hélène Jammes (editorial coordination), Pierre Boudry (editorial coordination), Stéphane Maury (editorial coordination)
Collection: Synthèses
june 2024
Open Access
Epigénétique - eBook [PDF]
Epigénétique - eBook [ePub]
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In this book, epigenetics is understood as the science of molecules and mechanisms involved in controlling gene activity without altering their sequence, and which thus contribute to cellular functions. It enables us to decipher the development and differentiation processes of cells in a complex organism, which perform different functions despite sharing the same nuclear genetic information. This science also supports cellular memory and responses to the environment.

The book introduces the history and evolution of the concept of "epigenetics" and explains the molecular mechanisms that govern the development of mammals, fish or plants. Knowledge of the diversity of these mechanisms, and our understanding of their importance in biology, is probably just getting started. Some processes, such as X chromosome inactivation, are specific to mammals, while others, such as parental imprinting, are surprisingly common to both mammals and plants with sexual reproduction. Their importance in responses to the biotic or abiotic environment is highlighted to show possible applications in medicine or agronomy.

This book is intended for students, teachers in higher education and researchers in the field of biology.

Table of contents



Hélène Jammes, Pierre Boudry, Stéphane Maury

Chapter 1: Epigenetics, a word in the history of science

Gaëlle Pontarotti
Epigenetics, a word with a history
Epigenetics, a cross-cutting issue in biology
Epigenetics, a concept with multiple epistemological and social implications

Chapter 2. Epigenetics, an exploration of molecular processes

Hélène Jammes, David L'Hôte
Genetic heritage in all its states
The "histone code”
DNA methylation, the most extensively explored epigenetic mark
Activities of long and small non-coding RNAs in epigenetic regulation
Polycomb and Trithorax proteins

Chapter 3. X chromosome inactivation

Clara Roidor, Véronique Duranthon, Maud Borensztein
Gene dose compensation
Discovery of X chromosome inactivation
The power of mouse models
The X chromosome inactivation cycle in rodents: a model apart?
Diversity of the X chromosome inactivation process in eutherians
Benefits and pathologies associated with X chromosome inactivation
Conclusion and outlook

Chapter 4: Parental genomic imprinting: discovery and regulatory mechanisms

Thierry Forné
Evolution and parental genomic imprinting
Molecular origin of genomic imprinting mechanisms
Epigenetic control of imprinted genes
Imprinting centers and the parental genomic imprinting cycle
Examples of molecular mechanisms of functional imprinting

Chapter 5: Parental genomic imprinting in farm animals

Julie Demars, Catherine Labbé, Frédérique Pitel
Parental genomic imprinting and phenotypic variability
Characterization of imprinting mechanisms in farm animals
Potential implications for breeding

Chapter 6. Parental imprinting in plants: mechanisms, functions and applications

Clément Lafon Placette
Overview of sexual reproduction in plants
Epigenetic mechanisms leading to parental imprinting
Death of the hybrid seed: parental imprinting, the usual suspect
Evolutionary causes of parental imprinting in plants
Application to plant breeding

Chapter 7. Life in utero: epigenetic programming of traits

Anne Gabory
The developmental origins of disease
Epigenetics and DOHaD
Epigenetics and gender variation in response
Conclusion: the developmental origins of health

Chapter 8. Epigenetic clock

Sarah Voisin
Show me your epigenome, and I'll tell you your age
An epigenetic clock is not rocket science!
Biological age versus chronological age
Can you have an old liver and a young muscle at the same time?
No animal species escapes epigenetic ageing
Aging is accompanied by erosion of the methylome

Chapter 9. Epigenetic mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions

Christoph Grunau, Isabelle Fudal, Nadia Ponts
Epigenome modification following pathogen infection
Epigenetic memory and priming of plant defenses during infection
Role of DNA methylation in the induction of defense responses in plants
Future questions

Chapter 10. Epigenetic memories and plant health

Philippe Gallusci, Margot M.J. Berger
Plant memory: the importance of epigenetic mechanisms
Plant acclimatization: somatic memory and plant health
Inter-transgenerational epigenetic memory of stress: consequences for plant health
Epigenetic diversity and crop improvement

Chapter 11. Epigenetics in farmed fish

Audrey Laurent, Delphine Lallias, Lucie Marandel, Catherine Labbé, Pierre Boudry
Complex duplicated genomes at the origin of new epigenetic regulators
Originality of methylome genetic support in teleosts
Epigenetic mechanisms and modulation of intragenerational physiological responses
Intergenerational transmission of environmental information

Chapter 12. Epigenome editing

David L'Hôte
Epigenome editing tools
Epigenome editing in the service of health


List of authors

Publications in the same collection

On the same subject


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Synthèses

Published: 13 june 2024

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759237708

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759237715

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 194

Interior: Colour

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02919NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02919EPB

Size: 5.63 MB (PDF), 5.31 MB (ePub)

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