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Jardins d'Océanie

by Vincent Lebot (author), Annie Walter (author)
Collection: Hors Collection
january 2003
Open Access
Jardins d'Océanie - eBook [PDF]
This book is available in paper version on our bookseller site.


This lavishly illustrated guide covers the cultivated and wild edible plant species of Vanuatu. Over 200 species grown for their tubers or roots, woody species and creepers that provide fruits or seeds, and herbaceous species, from sugarcane to mint, are quoted or described in short sheets of essential facts. The guide was designed to familiarize those in the West with the food plants used in Oceania and tell the Oceanians about the origin and use of introduced plants, and is accessible to a wide readership. An accompagnying CD-ROM provides more detailed information of interest for specialists.

Table of contents




Agriculture et espaces cultivés

Les plantes à tubercules

Les arbres, arbustes et arbrisseaux

Les plantes grimpantes

Les herbes

Répertoire des noms de genre

Répertoire des noms communs

Tables de matières

Publications of the same author

Publications in the same collection

On the same subject


Language(s): French

Publisher: Cirad

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 1 january 2003

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759207862

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 320

Interior: Two-colour

Reference eBook [PDF]: CI907NUM

Size: 58.8 MB (PDF)

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