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Agricultural robotics: part of the new deal? FIRA 2020 conclusions

With 27 agricultural robot information sheets

de Roland Lenain (auteur), Julie Peyrache (auteur), Alain Savary (auteur), Gaëtan Séverac (auteur)
Collection : Hors collection
septembre 2021

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DOI : 10.35690/978-2-7592-3382-3

Throughout the fifth edition of the International Forum of Agricultural Robots (FIRA) in December 2020, more than 1,500 farmers, manufacturers, advanced technology suppliers, innovators, investors, journalists and experts from 71 countries around the world gathered to ask questions, share stories and exchange ideas about agricultural robots. This book is a journey into the state of the art of this industry in 2020, and includes 27 agricultural robot information sheets. It is designed to provide a nuanced look at the industry’s most pressing topics, from the overarching impact of the global food crisis to the everyday influence of semi-autonomous tractors on a family-owned farm in France. The book achieves this goal by taking a deep dive into the perspectives shared by FIRA 2020 presenters and panelists.



Chapter 1: Agricultural Robots Help Farmers Feed the World
    1. Farm Machinery Must Support Sustainable Agriculture
    2. The Impacts of the Global Food Crisis
    3. Holistic Solutions are the Product of Innovation and Education
    4. Global Problems Require a Collaborative Approach
    5. The Path to Adoption for Agricultural Robotics
    6. Advancing Technology Suppliers Can Support Adoption
    7. Agricultural Robots Benefit Farmers and the World

Chapter 2: Successful Robot Adoption Depends on Reliability, Security and Trust
    8. The Ag Industry Already Loves Technology
    9. Robot Bashing is an Opportunity
    10. Farmers, End Consumers Have High Expectations
    11. Robots Must Be Reliable, Valuable and User-Friendly
    12. Tech Companies Must Build Trust Through Responsible Practices and Customer Support
    13. There’s a Lot of Potential and a Lot More Work to Do

Chapter 3: Farming with No Tractor Driver, is it Possible?
    14. Civil Liability, Time Machines and the Case for Insurance
    15. Safety, Security and the Journey to Market
    16. It's Possible if Farmers Can Rely on the Machines
    17. It’s Possible if Robot Manufacturers Can Deliver Proper Training
    18. It's Possible if the Technology is Robust
    19. It’s Possible if the Driverless Tractors Demonstrate Success

Chapter 4: Safe Positioning and Image Analysis
    20. The Importance of Accurate Safe Positioning
    21. The Importance of Signal Reliability
    22. The Importance of Deep Learning
    23. The Importance of Improving Computer Vision
    24. The Importance of Continual Improvement

Chapter 5: From Lab to Success Story: What Business Model?
    25. The Key Technology Trends in Agricultural Robotics
    26. What Makes a Successful Robotics Development and Business Model?
    27. Startups and Investors: How to Partner Effectively
        27.1. Trust
        27.2. Communication
        27.3. Shared Values
        27.4. A Good Contract
        27.5. A Shared Vision
Robot Manufacturers’ Information Sheets
     Autonomous Sprayer, by Automato Robotics
    AutoPicker, by TerraClear Inc.
    AVO, by ecoRobotix
    Bakus, by VitiBot
    BIPBIP, presented by CTIFL
    CEOL, by Agreenculture
    ChickenBoy, by Faromatics
    Dino, by Naïo Technologies
    ERMMI™, by Easton Robotics
    FAR, by Tevel Aerobotics Technologies
    FD20, by FarmDroid
    La Chèvre, by Nexus Robotics Inc
    LELY Exos, by Lely International NV
    Phenomobile, by INRAE
    Plantalyzer, by HortiKey
    RoamIO Series, by Korechi Innovations Inc.
    Robot One, by Pixelfarming Robotics
    Robotti 150D, by Agrointelli
    Romi Rover, by Romi Organisation
    Spoutnic, by TIBOT Technologies
    SwarmBot, by SwarmFarm Robotics
    The Digital Farmhand, by AGERRIS
    Titan FT-35, by FarmWise
    Tom, by Small Robot Company
    VineScout, by Agricultural Robotics Laboratory
    Weed Whacker robot, by Odd.Bot

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Langue(s) : Anglais

Editeur : Éditions Quae

Edition : 1ère édition

Collection : Hors collection

Publication : 1 septembre 2021

EAN13 eBook [PDF] : 9782759233823

EAN13 eBook [ePub] : 9782759233830

DOI eBook [PDF] : 10.35690/978-2-7592-3382-3

Nombre de pages eBook [PDF] : 80

Intérieur : Couleur

Référence eBook [PDF] : 02803NUM

Référence eBook [ePub] : 02803EPB

Taille(s) : 10,4 Mo (PDF), 5,24 Mo (ePub)

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