Product and territory : ago-antagonistic regulation between individual and collective project
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On the same subject
Jean-Marcel Dorioz, Orlane Anneville, Isabelle Domaizon, Chloé Goulon, Jean Guillard, Stéphan Jacquet, Bernard Montuelle, Serena Rasconi, Viet Tran-Khac, Jean-Philippe Jenny
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0,00 € (free)
Language(s): French
Publisher: Irstea
Edition: 1st edition
Collection: Études Cemagref
Published: 1 january 2000
EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759211715
EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759207244
Pages count eBook [PDF]: 420
Interior: Two-colour
Reference eBook [ePub]: CF5508EPB
Reference eBook [PDF]: CF5508NUM
Size: 21.6 MB (ePub), 20 MB (PDF)